This event is dedicated to whoever has any interest in learning more about the program as a whole and to prospect candidates for Level I.
It is open to Members and non Members of CFA Society Italy.
If you have already passed Level I or Level II we suggest you attend one of our Exam Focus events. Please check the Future Events menu of our website.
18:30 |
CFA Candidate Information Briefing
Sara Di Biasio, CFA, Junior Private Banker, Pictet Wealth Management, will be available to answer your questions on:
- CFA Institute and CFA Society Italy - their mission and importance within the investment industry
- CFA Program - its worldwide recognition and main features
- CFA Program Curriculum - its structure and topics
- CFA Exam - the examination format
- Candidate support activities - offered by CFA Society Italy.
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Important information
- Registrations are closed.
- A kind reminder with intructions to connect to the Zoom platform will be sent to all registered participants the day before the event. Check your spambox.
- The event is usually held in Italian. If you prefer the use of English please make a request at the beginning of the meeting.